Helping Players and Playing Opportunities Find Each Other
The Football Green Book staff is personally committed to a quality publication and sincerely appreciates the support
provided by the hundreds of football professionals that have provided information for this year’s publication.
We appreciate your business
Dennis & Jodi Wubbena

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Download a sample of the directory before you buy. We are confident you are going to love it.
The best way to experience the depth of our information is to view one of the samples below. Included in the sample is a page from each of the many sections available in our book including: NFL team pages, CFL teams, AFL teams, Minor League teams, National Associations & College Conferences, college teams, Bowl games, and Media & Organizations. The depth of each of these sections is unparalleled, and we’re always including more information as suggested by our subscribers. Note that the sample is from a previous year but the format remains similar.
The Most Comprehensive Football Directory
By the Numbers
The Football Green Book is the most comprehensive and up-to-date football directory of professional and college programs in the country. Updated and published each year since 1992, it provides contact and football program information for over 990 teams in 12 leagues including the NFL, CFL, AFL, IFL, NCAA I-Bowl, NCAA I-Championship, NCAA II, NCAA III, NAIA, NJCAA, CCCAA and USport [CIS]. The book includes the titles, emails and phone numbers for over 17,800 college football program personnel plus thousands more at the professional level.
How our directory can help
Directory Benefits
Our directory provides value to players, scouts, coaches, and parents.
Find Playing Opportunities
Football players find playing opportunities and connect with coaches and recruiters
Identify Contacts
Identify the right contact for programs with contact information
Locate Recruits
Coaches locate recruits and network with other coaches
Connect With Scouts
Identify and connect with local professional scouts searching for talent
Find Prospects
Scouts find prospects, schedules and current program information
Save Time
Save time in locating the football contacts you need
Find Schedules
Find team and day to day schedules
Contact Info For USA & Canadian Teams
This includes American and Canadian colleges, professional teams and leagues. We are talking NFL, CFL, AFL, IFL, NCAA [Bowl & Championship], NAIA, NJCAA, CCCAA and USport [CIS].
Coach Contact Info
You'll have access to information on Head Coaches, Assistant Coaches, Strength Coaches, Athletic Directors, Football Operations, Sport Information Directors, Scouting Staff and more.
The Football Green Book includes the schedules of colleges and professional teams. Save time by finding the information you need all in one place.

The book is available in a convenient 8.5×11 format, with a sturdy cover and durable binding, making it easy to read and allowing room in the margins for notations. We also offer an electronic PDF version which includes all of the same helpful information, plus a college directory in Excel format, NCAA & NAIA schedules by date and much more.